The Celo Tribe Club

Celo is transitioning to an Ethereum L2, join the community discussion. Read more here.

Our Events

Under Celo Tribe’s mandate to introduce web3 and the Celo blockchain to societies foundational structures which happens to be educational institutions or universities

Paint and Chill

Under Celo Tribe’s mandate to introduce web3 and the Celo blockchain to societies foundational structures which happens to be educational institutions or universities, Celo tribe partnered with NearxArt DAO and Dapps over Apps who have huge communities of university students spread across these universities: Unilag, Lasu, Osun state Uni, Babcock,… etc. in providing financial support for their bi annual event titled “Paint and Chill” while introducing them to the “Celo tribe club”. This event brought together students from all around Nigeria and in attendance was over 400 students who came to learn, have fun while at it and make art.

Cash Incentives

Cash giveaways up to $200 USD were given broken into $50 USD cash incentives for various trivia’s and tasks organised by the Celo tribe committee. In attendance was the founder of Celo Tribe Hawwal and organisers from the Nearxart Dao and Dapps over Apps community.

Performing Arts & Learning

At the time of this article, all schools in Nigeria are currently on holiday and are scheduled to resume in October 2023. More updates will be posted subsequently as the Celo tribe club grows spreading the good news of Celo and prosperity.

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